Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The First Taste is Always Free

In the last post we teased a new package for teachers to buy a Nate Silver to look at their data and prove they are an awesome teacher.  For $250, if we can't find a single shred of data anywhere in your history that proves you to be modestly competent, we will provide some sure fire assessments.  Here is your first taste. 
It's a Long Way To The Top

Step 1.  Take any assessment that is multiple choice
Step 2.  Give a pre-unit assessment
Step 3.  During the unit of instruction, play AC/DC.  Especially “It's a Long Way To The Top,” which is featured in the kid friendly movie School of Rock
Step 4.  Everyday during the unit, when your students ask “what is that?” Just tell them the name of the band.
Step 5.  Post assessment.  Rearrange the answer choices to be A.C.D.C. repeated. 
Step 6.  Watch those scores rise.  You are an awesome teacher.  (btw if this doesn't work, go teach PE)
Step 7.  Want more awesome advice like this.  Get in touch with us about how you can send us $250 from your paycheck just once so you can keep a few more of those sweet sweet pay stubbies from the quarter billion dollar LAUSD payroll system.

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