Better than an oak tree, here is an example of
how this will work.
you are a student in classroom where you see a kid cheat on a test. Your teacher has shown that when one
kid cheats, the whole class will get an ‘F,’ what would you do?
by the way at this school a single test counts for 75-88% the whole class’s eligibility
to stay in the school, if the whole class fails this single test your whole
class is kicked out of school and have to find a new school.
Through a combination of zero-tolerance
policies and market competition we have created a perfect environment for
students to achieve high scores on the CST. We can ensure test scores soar by applying and relieving
pressure on key parts of the market.
We can further accelerate this growth by publicly releasing the student growth scores that LAUSD
currently calculates on every student to make the teacher VAM scores. Consider students public employees
consuming vital public money to build their capacity, why shouldn't we know
their scores?
We can keep low achieving students from reentering the district by
ensuring that investigations of cheating are processed over the summer when the
student will be least likely to find another school within notyetLAUSD.
We will write glowing letters to students who exceed the upper
ranges of growth on their tests. In VAM terms where the scale is from 0 to 5, we celebrate those that score 6 and 7 for great learning.
We will never initiate investigations of cheating on our own unless
we want that particular student out because they consume too many
resources. Overall schools will be
encouraged not to investigate cheating because losing a class of students looks
bad for the whole school and results in a loss of funding. When national news reports come outfinding evidence of cheating we will pose for another installation to the
museum of deafening silence.
for more see notyetLAUSD's Acceptable Cheating Policy
for more see notyetLAUSD's Acceptable Cheating Policy